A few weeks ago, Mr. Katie, the boys and I traveled to western Pennsylvania for a fun fall weekend at Laurel Hill State Park. For several years now, my Dad’s side of the family has had a tradition of getting together for a family picnic in the fall. We have had the picnic at a few different locations but for the past two years, it has been held at Laurel Hill State Park in Somerset, PA. I wrote about one our trips to Laurel Hill State Park on this very blog last year.
For the last two years, my sisters and their families and my family have stayed in the camping cottages at the park during the weekend of the picnic. I feels magical to stay in the cottages during Columbus Day Weekend because the air is crisp but not too crisp. It feels like the last big warm-weather event before winter. We also love staying in the cottages because we can have our own space but still spend a lot of time together.
My Dad has also been holding the picnic lately during Columbus Day Weekend, which is great because it gives us an extra day to spend time together.
We all had an especially good time this year. The weather was chillier than it has been in the past but the leaves were incredibly colorful this year. It also seems like our individual families have found a groove in terms of what items to pack and how to structure our time to maximize the fun.
My family arrived on Friday night and we left on Monday morning.
During this time, we took hikes.

We visited scenic overlooks.

We visited Seven Springs Mountain Resort for their Autumnfest.

We had dinner with all of my sisters and their families at the family manse.

And of course we celebrated with our whole family at the annual Fall Picnic. I have almost zero pictures of the actual picnic because I was so busy experiencing it. I got to talk to everyone, I feel like I didn’t get a chance to talk to everyone in depth and that I regret but you can only do what you can do. It was a gorgeous fall Sunday afternoon and it was great to spend time together.

It was great to see everyone and spend time with everyone.

I hope you are all doing well.
Great post Katie! We loved spending time with you guys at the picnic. Wonderful pictures too. Especially that one of Mr. Katie and the boys.