Hi Everyone,
It has been too long. I know I have mentioned this before but I am participating in a 12 week course called The Artist’s Way. I love it. It does take up some of my time though, but it also has been helpful to me in terms of gaining more access to my creativity. In some capacities, it has been very helpful for this blog, in that I have a lot of ideas. However, I have also been spending time doing my Artist’s Way work that I might have been using for my blog. I am sure I will reap the benefits in the long run. . .
In any case, based on comments and discussions that I have had since I wrote the post, it seems like some of my readers liked my conversation party sticker idea. If you want to read the original post, here is the link.
I enjoyed talking with other people about my idea that possibly a host could introduce the idea that party guests could fill in a sticker when they come in that proclaims a few idea of preferred conversation topics. This way guests might not have to talk about work or things that aren’t exciting for them to talk about in their free time.
So I puzzled over this in my head and I decided that I should get these stickers made. Not only that, but I decided that I should sell them in packs of 15 and included a small sharpie style marker so all a party host would have to do is pull out the pack and put it out for their guests to fill out and put on when they arrive.
I have decided that I am going to print these stickers out and sell them at my Mr. Man’s elementary school holiday festival, which includes a vendor area. I have decided to pay $25 fee for a vendor table and an opportunity to sell my Conversation Stickers as well as some homemade cookies. I have also decided to put together a winter themed Trivia Night in a Bag which I will also sell at my table.
I find myself feeling oddly energized by this new plan. It feels exciting. I do not usually think of myself as having a business savvy brain, but I find myself using my brain in different ways than I normally do as I try to plan this out. I have given more thought to Avery Labels in the last week than I think I have in my life. Also I find myself calculating the most efficient way to organize my Trivia Night materials in the bag so that customers will be everything that they need while still making it cost effective for me to have everything printed.
It’s great fun. As a child and a young teen, I enjoyed playing an Apple IIE computer game called Lemonade Stand. In the game, the player makes decisions about how much lemonade to make and sell depending on the forecasted daily temperature and the amount of sun predicted for the day. Planning my little vendor table brings back memories of playing Lemonade Stand. As I said, I do not usually think of myself as someone who cares about business but I am having a good time.
So I will let you know how it goes next Thursday. Hopefully, the weather will cooperate as my son’s holiday festival, called Candy Cane Lane will be held outside in the school parking lot.
Have you ever had any forays into business?
Comment Below!
Sounds like a fabulous idea/ years ago, when I worked for Waldenbooks, we wore name tags where our names were printed with a label maker- one dear friend of mine loved to change her name daily – my favorite during the Crazy Christmas selling season was Ima Tired.
I love I’ma Tired. I should change my name at the library 😅