The weather was warmer and sunnier than it has been so on Sunday we took a nice little hike at a Leaser Lake County Park. We visited there once before. Here is what I wrote it last time about last time.
We found parked at a different area than we parked at last time and went on a completely different hike.

Much like last time, we stopped at Wanamakers General Store in Kempton, PA to get provisions for a late lunch/ early dinner. Wanamakers closes early at 3 pm in the winter so we stopped before our hike to get our rations for after our hike. Then we ate our food at a picnic table at the park.
We weren’t the only ones either having a picnic in the 47 degree weather. We saw plenty of other picnickers as well as hikers, bikers, and dog walkers.
It reminded me of this sketch from the IFC show Portlandia about how people behave during the rare sun of Portland summers.
Here is a picture of me today enjoying the sun after my run. I don’t have any of myself from yesterday.