Take this Lesser Known American Presidents Quiz. Match the pictures of these lesser known US Presidents with the facts about them.
An answer key is available at the end of this post. Good luck and have fun

Facts About Lesser-Known US Presidents: Match These Fact with Pictures of Presidents
- President A
- Orphan who achieved international success as a mining engineer
- Translated mining text from Middle Ages that is still in print today.
- As a civilian est. an organization to distribute food to the starving people of Belgium.
- President B
- He stabilized the post-war national economy.
- Prosecuted the Ku Klux Klan
- Appointed African Americans and Jewish Americans to prominent federal offices
- President C
- Died while in office in the Presidential Suite of the San Francisco Palace Hotel
- Was coming home from visit to Alaska when he passed away.
- Often on list of worst Presidents now but was popular while in office.
- President D
- A popular presidential action was that he lowered the price of a postage stamp.
- Self-taught, built his own house that is still standing today in East Aurora, NY
- Chancellor of University of Buffalo for 30 years; Bigoted against many people
- President E
- Longest inaugural address and shortest tenure as President
- Wife still packing when he passed and never moved into the White House
- Road to Presidency legendary: first campaign slogan, merchandise, songs
- President F
- Harry Truman said this President was the handsomest.
- Good personality, Only President from New Hampshire
- Signed the Kansas-Nebraska Act, Enforced Fugitive Slave Act
- President G
- Controversy regarding whether he was born in the US or Canada
- Was never elected as President of the US
- Oversaw a building program for US Navy
- President H
- Fatherless at two, worked for money to attend Williams College in MA
- Became professor at Hiram College, within a year became College President
- Never sought presidency, was a compromise nominee on 36th ballot
- President I
- Has one living grandson who is still alive
- Died as a member of the Confederate Congress
- Only former President not officially mourned in Washington
- President J
- Often listed as the worst President in history, his home state is Pennsylvania.
- During his tenure seven southern states succeeded from the Union
Franklin Pierce: F
Herbert Hoover: A
James Buchanan: J
Chester Arthur: G
John Tyler: I
US Grant: B
Millard Fillmore: D
William Henry Harrison: E
Warren G. Harding: C
James Garfield: H