Highlights From Summer Vacation: Fonthill Castle in Doylestown, PA

One morning after sleeping in the camper in our yard, the boys and I traveled to Doylestown, PA and took a tour of Fonthill Castle.

The trip took about 45 minutes. I have passed it before in my car and I have been curious for some time now about what it looks like inside.

The verdict, it looks really cool inside the castle. Tours are offered several times a day and we did not have to wait very long for our tour to begin.

We used the museum pass that we borrowed from our local public library, the Southern Lehigh Public Library to admit us for free. Score! Thank you Southern Lehigh Public Library! Maybe your local library has museum passes that you can borrow. This is not the first time that we have taken advantage of the museum borrowing program. See my posts about The America on Wheels Museum and Chanticleer: A Pleasure Garden, we visited those sites curtesy of local library museum passes.

Fonthill Castle has so many cool tiles as the owner and builder was also a renowned tilemaker.

I tried taking pictures of dark corners and the ceilings but I didn’t see any orbs.

The boys liked the hour-long tour but were getting rammy towards the end.

I can usually get them to do about one or two of these cultural type things that I want to do per summer. Usually a playground bride and treat usually are required. But H. Nugget told me today that he “liked the castle.”

I believe that Fonthill Castle made an impression on Mr. Man too.

What have you been up to this summer?

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